Friday, February 20, 2009

Damon and Nady Caught In Financial Scandal

In an article on Ken Rosenthal he reports that Yankees Xavier Nady and Johnny Damon have got caught in a financial scam that Robert Allen Stanford was running. They said on Friday morning that all their finances have been frozen. Xavier Nady can't even get an apartment in NYC because of this. They both said they were told by their financial advisors th the matter could be resolved within a few days. This is a bad situation as neither player can pay any of their bills or make any large purchases. I hope this matter will be resolved soon, all the Yankees need is more bad news. You get the feeling though that this group is going throughre so much so early that they are going to be a really tough team and able to handle anything.


  1. That's rough. When it rains it pours. Hopefully, this gets resolved quickly so they can concentrate on baseball.

  2. Yeah, it should be cleared up in a few days. I just can't wait until the games start on Wednesday even if they are just exhibition.



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