It is amazing to think back at all the things and that this team was actually 13-15 without A-rod. The Yankees had assembled a great team, you just never know how it is going to fit together but guys like Swisher and A.J. and CC just came tco this team and changed the culture, made it more fun and fit right in. CC Sabathia was everything the Yankees hoped for and more, he pitched great but turned out to be a great teammate and person also. It all started in spring training when he purchased tickets to the Orlando Magic games and would take different teammates out to the games. He also in April got tickets to the Cavs playoff game when the Yankees were out in Cleveland and basically the whole team attended, it may not seem like much but it really helped this team grow together and enjoy being with each other so they really fought for each other and stuck with it through thick and thin.
Joe Girardi in spring training knew he needed to change his ways a little from last year and organized a team pool tournament instead of practice the one day and that really is where it all started. The team just seemed to mesh together and really enjoy playing for Joe Girardi and each other. It wasn't always easy, they were 0-8 to the REd Sox in the beginning and they were 13-15 until A-rod came back on May 8th. His first swing he hit a homerun and that seemed to just set the tone. I think one of the biggest hits though was Francisco Cervelli hitting a homerun in Atlanta as the team was really struggling to score runs and stay afloat, that is when Brian Cashman made a suprise visit and they took off after that. There still was another bump in the road when they got swept in Anaheim 3 straight right before the all-star break. This team never game up though and knew they needed to beat the Angels and Red Sox in the second half and they did that as well as beat everyone else. They really made the New Stadium a real home as they only lost 8 games there the second half of the season and only lost one home game in the playoffs.
This Yankee team now has to be compared with some of the best there ever has been, they remind me of the 98 team. They finished 114-63 which in their division and league is just incredible. I don't know what next year will bring but they sure have a nucleus to stay on top for a long time. CC, A.J. Joba, Hughes, Robertson, Tex, Swisher, Cervelli, Pena, Cano, Cabrera, Gardner. These are all young guys that are making their mark now and for the future. The Yankees are Champions of baseball and back on top of the world where they belong.